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About Our Parents Association

Mary, Mother of Hope Schools’ Parent Association is a joint association across both the Junior & Senior Schools. Each year, parents to Mary, Mother of Hope National Schools automatically become members of our Parent Association. There are many different ways in which parents can participate. and contribute to the life of the school. 


The purpose of our Parent Association is to help our children by helping the management, teachers and staff throughout the school year. Each year we support the school community in many ways. We represent the parents in the school community and support the children & staff of both schools. 


Our meetings take place the first Wednesday of every month at 8.15pm in the Castaheaney Community Centre which is located the grounds of the senior school. We plan for our meetings to be just one hour however sometimes the ‘chats’ go on for longer. Please feel free to arrive/leave as per your availability.


PLEASE NOTE: Mainly, the timing for the school events we are asked to help are during the morning. If you are unable to attend these mornings, please remember that you are more than welcome to attend our evening meetings either way. Thoughts and ideas for how to help the school and fund raising are shared and welcomed at each meeting. We appreciate that time is of great importance in all our lives, if you can help, fantastic, be it frequently or infrequently throughout the year. 


Below is a list of some of the activities that we have helped out with last year; detailing what we do, how we have raised money and some of what we may anticipate for the new year.

Fund Raising For The School

Our Sponsored Walk, 2 X Social Evenings and the innovative idea of selling of Homework Passes just before Christmas.

Fund Raising For Others

In the Junior School Hall we have hosted coffee mornings to support St Francis Hospice, Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day and The Leukaemia Trust Charities

Helping Out

We hosted the receptions for Communion, Confirmation, Junior and Senior School Graduations. We prepared the information packs for Junior Infants, helped with their registration times and the welcome afternoon for parents. We once again helped with the Annual Book Fair and over the term close to 2,500 books were covered for both the Junior School Reader books and the Senior School Rental Scheme.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM)

 This takes place in September each year when we review last year’s events and fund-raising and plan for the coming school year. Everyone is welcome to the meeting – the more input we get from parents the more effective our association can be.

If you would like to actively join our committee, please leave your name and mobile number with Anita, secretary in the Junior School.


The Parent Association is a great way to get to know other parents from the school community. Ask any of our team! It also means a lot to children to see their mums and dads helping out and getting involved in their school. Maybe this year is the year you choose to get involved, come along, you will enjoy it!


The AGM of the P.A. takes place during the First term. Parents are reminded that all parents are automatically members of the Parents’ Association. We appreciate your on–going help and support!


A joint Parent Association operates across the Junior and Senior schools.

  • Chairperson:Lorraine Shakeshaft

  • Secretary:Jean Murdiff

  • Treasurer:Rachel Conroy

  • Shirley Brady

Contact Us

Many Cultures, One Community.

 Mary Mother Of Hope SNS. 


Tel: 01 812 8693



Mary Mother Of Hope Senior National School, Littlepace, Dublin 15. Eircode D15 PH93

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